Finding the perfect yoga class can be hard. Before you get the deal below, take the steps and you will have much higher chance of success.

Remember change takes time and the 6 steps listed below will help get the most out where ever you choose your Yoga home.

Take these 6 steps to get a big change in your life

1. Define your goals and what you want to achieve

Before you start buying groupon’s or using classpass, take some time to really decide what results you want to attain.

Are you looking for weight loss? Do you have chronic back pain that you need to make better? Are you seeking stress relief? Or are you looking to just get more flexible and in better shape?

Have a focus on what you to get out of health and fitness routine and it will be easier to find the perfect place. Doing this will save you a ton of time and money!!

2. Develop a plan for success

Once you find what you want to achieve, create a workout plan for the exercise routine you choose. The biggest mistake we see in people getting started is not having a step by step workout plan.

If you have been consistently trying new places in the hopes of success and not getting the desired results, try creating a workout program and sticking to it.

To be clear. That means, you put  into your schedule how many times you will be exercising a week. Whoever you choose to work with should help you with this step.

3. Take a good look at your lifestyle and nutrition habits.

Here is some brutal truth. Unless you are in super great shape already,  you need take good look at all the factors of your lifestyle and your eating. They are limiting your results.

Even if you think you eat well! Especially if weight loss is your goal.

80% of the results you want are in your lifestyle habits and your nutrition. You can’t out exercise a bad diet or poor lifestyle habits!

4. Get a coach, teacher or mentor

Don’t try to get change alone! You got where you are at for a reason. Find a qualified person that can guide through the process of getting to your health goals.

Here is fact, a UCLA study found that 85% of people who start a health and fitness routine fail within 3 months without a coach, teacher or mentor.

In the beginning you NEED someone to teach you the basics, guide you through the slumps that naturally come in a workout routine. Your success depends on it!

Find one and stick with that person for awhile.

5. Take imperfect action and just get started

Never wait for the “perfect time” to get started. It doesn’t exist. The way to start getting the results you want it is take the step and GET STARTED!!!

If you want change, you have to take the first step and do it as soon as possible. Success is attracted to speed. Don’t wait the longer you wait the more likely you will miss your chance for change.

6. Make a commitment to maintain your routine.

Change takes time! You will see some difference in 30-60 days but real lasting transformation takes consistent focused effort.

Especially for chronic pain relief or weight loss. Remember it will take 12 weeks minimum for you to reach the first stage of transformation. That’s with a minimum of 3-5 times a week!

Be patient it will happen if you stick with it.

Follow these steps and you will be on the right path!

About the author:

pic_brianBrian Monnier is Transformation specialist who has taught yoga professionally for 17 years and fitness for over 20 years. He helped thousands get in shape and out of pain with his unique yoga style and specializes in beginners and those with chronic injuries.

He has been called San Francisco’s best yoga secret.