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Best Hot Yoga and Strength classes designed in San Francisco for Beginners and the Injured.

Here is Why San Francisco LOVES Body Tonic SF

Ferda's Story

Ferda's Story

“When I was discharged from the hospital around the end of March, I left with a long hospital stay that left me with 40 pounds and a completely uncontrolled Muscle balance system. After physiotherapy, I started looking for a yoga studio with the recommendation of my doctor. I found few yoga studios around my home but not of them capacity to handle my situation.Finally l found Body Tonic SF owned by instructor Brian!
I explained to Brian what I’ve been through and sane say l decided to enrol his classes, yoga

After 5 months lost 32 pounds! I recovered all my problems.

After just a few weeks of attending classes with Brian, you will see that your body posture has changed and that our entire muscle system has come into balance. Apart from that, in these classes that you attend after work, you will do a kind of meditation by relieving all your daily stress.”

Melissa's Story

Melissa's Story

“I walked past it on a dog walk in the middle of the pandemic. I had been doing YouTube yoga for a decade and hot yoga scattered in between then here and there.

Brian connected with me right away to hear where I was at and share how he thought Body Tonic SF could help me. I was hoping for simply a good foundation in fitness and flexibility moving out of early adulthood to set me up for long-term health….

What I’ve gotten is already so much more. Body Tonic SF is deeply humbling and healing for both my mind and body. Soul too if you want to get cheesy about it!!

I am longer and leaner!! I gained a few pounds that it is entirely muscle. I have completely changed shape in learned how to engage my core and breathing muscles totally differently.

I walk different, I get sore in different places — but most importantly my old pains are gone (sciatic, knee pain, and neck kinks) and I feel my body is actually working hard to support itself instead of taking hits.

My butt is a whole new butt — I had a butt before but now it is starting to know how to actually work. My leg muscles are more solid — and this is coming from someone who had fairly beefy quads to begin with. My upper leg muscles are more toned and I swear my neck is a little longer!”



Over 14 years ago I walked into the Brian’s studio because my chiropractor told me I had to do something to strengthen my core muscles if I wanted my back to get any better (L4/L5 disc issues), that and the intro offer was so cheap if I went to two classes and quit I would have gotten my money’s worth. Well, that was the best $30 bucks I ever spent, two years later and I am still going 3 – 4 times a week.

It was the 2nd anniversary of my practice with Brian is particularly special because it’s been over a year since I have had an “acute episode” or any kind of “episode” involving my back! I haven’t been able to say that in ten years.

I like the “No scene, no stress, simply yoga” aspect of the studio. The way Brian tends to each person’s individual needs is terrific.

Wendy’s Story

Wendy’s Story

I remember when this was taken. I certainly didn’t start yoga being able to do this. I remember being so stiff and out of shape that achieving this pose seemed impossible. I used to have a recurrent upper back injury and horribly painful and crackling knees, both of which were worsened by every day stress and being overweight.

When I first started practicing yoga at Body Tonic SF, a good portion of the poses had to be modified because of my injuries and limitations. I was quite wobbly, very stiff, and, thinking back, probably laughable. Through constant adjustment and coaching, Brian helped me to become stronger and more stable and to do more than I ever thought I could.

After just a month, I noticed my posture was better, I had more energy, and I generally just felt better.  After six months of going to class three to five times per week, I had lost 27 pounds and started re-shaping my whole body.  I was becoming stronger and more flexible each day, not to mention calmer and more focused in my daily life and yoga practice.  Over the next year and half, I continued to lose inches and build muscle in my hips, shoulders, arms, chest, ribs, stomach, and thighs.  Yes, getting into smaller sizes rocks! Through consistent practice, my whole body got stronger, my upper back no longer hurts, and daily stresses just don’t bother me the way they once did.

I don’t just love going to yoga, I look forward to it.  While many exercise trends, fads, programs come and go, I can see myself doing this for a life time.  Thanks Brian! You changed by life!!

Why Choose Body Tonic SF?

Our goal is to provide you a space that is fun, safe and supportive of Hatha yoga practice. A place to get the individual attention and guidance to help you grow and change.

Many of our members come to us as beginners, with chronic injuries or unfavorable lifestyle habits. Where ever you are at or when you start it does not matter. With a regular practice, supportive teachers and community, your pain and life will change!

Our staff will make sure you get the personal attention you need. Our community at the studio is friendly and supportive. There is no “yoga attitude” at Body Tonic SF.

Our beginner classes emphasize good solid basics and you will learn how to be safe in any yoga class. Gain an impressive amount of overall strength and flexibility through regular practice 

Getting Started with Body Tonic SF

Here is how you can get more information about our program, pricing, schedules, and get started.

1. Download our free starter kit

Download and get access to our starter kit which includes details on our program, which program is right for you, pricing, schedules, the tour of our studio, and special promotions

2. Join us for an assessment class

Come join us for an assessment class. Our instructors will work with you to figure out which program will help you reach your goal.

3. Sign up for one of our programs

If you love what we have, and think we can help you achieve and grow, let us know, and we will enroll you into the program that fits you best.

Meet Brian Monnier

Brian Monnier

With 25 years of teaching and practicing yoga and 31 years of experience as a martial artist, Brian brings a vast wealth of knowledge to Body Tonic SF. He is specialist in working with beginners and those in chronic pain. Brian believes that it is never too late, you are never too sick, never too stiff, never to far gone to see your body change.

Why San Francisco Locals LOVE Body Tonic Sf