You are wanting to get healthy and out of pain right?

Let’s for a second get an image of what you want your body to look like.

Do this, close your eyes for a second and get a mental picture of how you will look once you start getting healthy.

Go head, I wait….

Ok did you have less pounds, a slimmer tummy maybe?

Or did you have a vision of just not having the pain you have been living with and feel better in your own skin?

The road to what you just envisioned is a 3 phase experience.

Rehab, Strengthen and Empower.

Today, we are going to talk about the first phase, Rehab which is perhaps the most important of all the phases. 

When you begin, before you can do strength building, body shredding workout, you will need to fix unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle habits, eliminate chronic pains, reduce stress and build some basic core strength.

It’s in the Rehab phase where you do this and build the foundation of health that will make the next phases very easy and attainable.

Going through this important step takes about 90 days-6 months if you are consistent with repetition and intensity.

I have designed a step by step strategy for you to get through the first phase.

The step of the strategy is to get started quickly.

Let’s be honest for a minute. You have told yourself:

“It’s not the right time”
“I am traveling soon”
“I will start in January”​​​​​
“My schedule is just too busy”

These are the constructs you have created around yourself to stay comfortable and in the space you have been in forever.

This is why the first phase is the hardest. To make a change, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE!

You will need to take the steps that you have been avoid for a long time.

Your change is right in front of you right now and if you don’t take it now, you will never do it the future. Results in the future begin from efforts in the present.

So you have one of 2 decisions to make right now.

Either do nothing and keep the pain that limits you life, prevents you from sleeping deeply. To keeping feeling uncomfortable in your own skin and unhappy with the unwanted pounds that prevent you from living a full life.


You can get started with one of transformation programs and get the step by step strategies that will teach you the tactics that will create the change in your life which you have been wanting to get.

If you would like to know more about getting into my next group that is beginning this week,

Click here now 

Either decision you make, I completely appreciate it. Just make a decision either way.