We are excited to help you on your journey and so give you the best experience here are some things to know before you come to your first session
Arrive early! First timers arrive AT least 10 minutes before class. Late arrivals are not admitted.
Bring a bath or beach towel for floor exercises. Yoga Mats are not ideal for our style of yoga, but may be used if preferred.
Time on intro offer begin from the date of first set appointment
We are a cell-phone free during session time. Turn off your phones, pager or other devices when entering the studio. Cell phone are not permitted during sessions, unplug for 75 minutes!
The room will be heated to 85-90 degrees, make sure to bring water.
Please be clean. Avoid smoking, wearing perfumes, scented lotions, creams(especially patchouli) or colognes to class. Please also keep your clothes and feet clean and fresh.
Water only in the yoga room, no sports drinks, sodas coffee or tea allowed!
Class sizes are limited to 20 per class. please make sure to book your classes at least 2 hours ahead of time to insure you get it.
Don’t be weird or a jerk..
If you are sick at all, stay home.
Avoid eating heavy meals 2-3 hours before class.
Make sure that you drink at least half your bodies weight in ounces a day.
Wear comfortable clothes to stretch in. Try to avoid wearing long, loose or baggy clothing. Dress as if you are going for a run on a warm day. Less clothing is better. Yoga pants are not ideal for our style, shirts are optional for men.
Water is recommended.
If you are feeling ill or at the beginning of a cold or flu, please do not attend class.
Shoes are not allowed in yoga rooms
Expect to sweat, A LOT! Our yoga is heated so get ready to be sweaty!
To get a lot of personal attention and to be adjusted.
To get a great workout in. Our sessions are physically challenging. The style are not gentle.